The human-robot collaboration raises quality, increases sustainability and lowers unit costs. However, it is being introduced slowly, as the fears about jobs are slowing the process down, as the one-time costs of the first projects are too high, and as the responsibility has been delegated far too low. An enterprise-wide transformation through an innovation project overcomes these barriers. Therefore, human-robot collaboration is an entrepreneurial question for the CEO and CFO.

The innovation project human-robot-collaboration will be successful if it is steered from the beginning by the seven levers of innovation quality throughout the company:

  • Technical benefit potential such as quality and sustainability
  • Technical efficiency potential such as reduction of unit costs, warranty costs and one-time costs of introduction through standardization
  • Sociotechnical compatibility such as technical usability, safety, role allocation and communication between human and robot as well as well-being of the humans
  • Timing such as technology roadmap, internal and external communication
  • Problem transparency through list of open points, in particular potential showstoppers
  • Problem solving such as solving the showstoppers as well as verification and validation
  • Innovation system quality such as timely availability of required finance and resources

An innovation project management steers the innovation project human-robot collaboration as quickly as possible from PUSH to PULL.

We advise you to economically transform your business towards human-robot collaboration.